Most of the companies in this sector have some typical features that BIOS has been able to interpret well by supporting the management both in strategic and organizational consultancy projects and in the field of Business Intelligence. This has allowed BIOS to become a market leader for strategic and operational consulting in the sector, in a geographical area where companies of this type represent more than 50% of the total, and in which the food and wine culture is particularly valued.

The BIOS experience was also appreciated by the big names in consumer goods, both nationally and abroad: the collaborations in place go from VRANKEN-POMMERY, French leader in champagne production, to NUXE, from BALOCCO to FERRERO.

The collaboration was created to meet the specific needs of the sector, in particular the need to improve the efficiency of the online order acquisition flow and the need to monitor the activities carried out by the sales network according to the assigned planning, with specific attention to the creation of KPIs representative of the analyzed reality.