EPM & Analytics, Budget & Financial Consolidation

Bofrost sells and distributes frozen food products at home. In Germany, it has a market share of around 70% in the sale of frozen food products to the home. Bofrost is present in twelve European countries, has about 240 branches and supplies about six million customers. Bofrost also has many customers in Italy, where it holds the majority share in the market. 

  • Analysis and re-engineering of the Budget process 
  • Development of monthly books for Sales, Operation & Finance area
  • Development of Operations and Commercial KPI dashboards
  • Implementation of a Planning and Control system on a multidimensional platform acquiring data from company data sources
  • Commercial and Financial Analysis, Production Order Planning
  • Increased number of key information monitored and information quality 
  • Optimization of the activities necessary to produce reporting
  • Ability to generate what if analysis and comparison scenarios to support decision making